Title: Crying baby Pippo(Nakimushi Pippo)
Music & Lyrics: Sasakure Producer
Singer: Miku Hatsune
I have cried loudly
When I was born to this world
I have cried facing back to the sunset
When I was hurt by words by unhumane friends
I have cried with the clouds
When my hopeless love was finished
I have cried till a morning came
When I realized weakness of people to protect the others
Who doesn't give up even in the rain, nor breezing
That is whom I have wanted to be
What did my crying red eyes saw?
It was one soft drop of tear from you
I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
It's the best I can deal all of your sorrow
Is it a penalty from the God that tears are in this world?
If so, that's an irony, as it's the world who made my crying baby
-I suppose.
I have cried roughly
When I was unjustly accused heavily
I have cried looking up above
When I was betrayed by whom I had trusted
I have cried for a fear
When i was lost in the maze of justice
I have cried with no reason
When I knew what the farewell for ever means
I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
If I could catch all of your sorrow
When there are sorrows as the number of ☆(star)s,
We can deal it by crying as the same times of it
That's why I am crying to make you smile
We shall meet at the horizon, beyond the date lone of sorrow
It will be the time tears are dried
I know actually we are weak although we pretend to be a tough usually
We can cover and shed weakness of our mind by tears which cannot be hidden
I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
If I could catch all of sorrow in the world
Will you share half of your tear with me?
That's why I am crying to share our tears and cry together
I will cry instead of you,
so do not cry, and trust me
You can shed a tear with me when you can't help crying
I suppose tears are to be the link sharing our feelings
That's why I am crying to enable to be with you
-I suppose,
I suppose there is such a meaning.
I love Hatsune Miku! But I haven't heard this song... so I have to go to Nikoniko Doga right now to hear Nakimushi Pippo!