Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fixed topic: What I enjoyed and learned in this class

1. What I enjoyed in this class?

I like to write something on the paper, so the whole of this course enjoyed me fully. It helped me to think about the theme that teacher Mark let us do as we like.
There are various suggestions: for example, I suppose it is the first time to write a whole story in English, and I had never thought about writing my obituary until it came as a topic! That was so interesting to me.

2. What was difficult for me as an author?

Instead of free topics I can choose, write one article on it continuously is difficult to me. I tried to avoid the similar content or article than the last one, but in each time I was suffered from my poor expression and imagination.
In addition, I found my problem in grammer. I like to publish pieces for my sufficient to express and analyze myself, but another skill is required when I ask someone to read.

Open topic: Dear Old Japanese

In my high school age, my favorite subject was old Japanese. (Once my friend laughed at me when I used "ancient" to explain it, but is it correct to use "old"?) First I love stories and expressions used in them. It is not a big problem to understand what the people in that age through the difference of language. I suppose my hobby helped me to do it a lot.

I guess Soichiro does, but I like Karuta百人一首 since I was in elementary school. The first song I remembered was the one starting with "Hototogisu...", a bird's name. Of course I didn't know what the song meant (actually I cannot explain it now...I almost all forgot those meaning although I remember the songs), but I was fascinated with the rythems of it. It was my first communication with old Japanese.

As I grow up, I love to read stories and Karuta much more. However, I am not a good player of Karuta because I am a slow player. I am tend to read it rather than play it. Those songs have only a few words, but people decide and see the creator's character through those words.
My favorite song was once Ukon右近's "Wasuraruru...", but now it is Syokushi-naishinnou式子内親王's one. "Tamanowoyo..." is the beginning of it, expressing the patient to hide her love. She wrote, her life should come to end if her love came out in front of people. There must be different system of society with currrent society, but it is cute to express this understandable feeling in the song.

Old Japanese is not far from present people. It is ancestor of and I think their feeling and Japanese people's feeling are in some range the same. No, not only Japanese people but also the people who have defferent ancestors. If you have some opportunities, I recommend you to touch those works!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Open topic 7: What is VOCALOID?

Do you know "vocaloid"? You may have heard some songs which its vocal is not a human voice. Vocaloid is a word which is made mixing "vocal" and "andloid". As you already guess, it is a singer robot.

Today, there are various types of vocaloids in the world. The first vocaloid is named Miku Hatsune, with cute voice and green hair. "She" is created by Crypton Future Media Inc., as the same as the other vocaloids. Their voices are basically from human voice, and through processing them till it sounds like robots the characters can get their voice. They are hit products of the Inc. I suppose, and a lot of people get those vocaloids.

I don't have any of them and don't know how to do it, but the appeal point of them is that customer can write a song for their vocaloid to see how they sing, like a producer of vocaloids. They are called "xxP" which means the "name" plus "Producer". There are many Ps as you will search song of vocaloid easily in Youtube.
For example, I translated one Japanese song to English, Nakimushi Pippo, in this blog. Watch carefully its name...lyrics and music must be from Sasakure P(producer!), and vocal is Miku Hatsune. This is one of the original songs from Sasakure P, not a pro-musician I suppose.
In this way, everyone can be a producer and enjoy to create to show their songs on website or another place. Easy process, this is why people love to be a producer.

Concerning with their songs, they sometimes too direct or selfish words in it; however, there are much more wonderful songs produced by amatour people. They doesn't come through media, so it is easy to be pulled in as I sometimes listen to these musics when I want to feel one's feeling strongly to act.
Vocaloid never sing in a crazy pitch except producer programmed to do so, so they sing in clear and beautiful tone. They can go beyond technical problem of human without phrasing. Vocaloid increased the range which is asked for songs.

I don't require all the people to love vocaloid, but I hope many people meet the musics of vocaloids and be interested in those musics.

Fixed topic: My Obituary

Kaori Yamamoto was attacked on April 15th, 2037 at the age of 46. That was the day she came back Japan from Iceland. It is not clear whether the attack was pointed at her or just an indiscriminate murder. She seemed to pass away without pain.

She was born in Mie on August 30th, 1991. She moved to Yokohama after a year, and Tokyo after 4 years. Graduated public school and entered to ICU high school, where she met some people who influenced the whole life of her.
Environmental studies was her major in ICU, and she continued to pursue this course. That was the reason she went to Iceland to study the lifestyle with nature, where she had said she wanted to go for a long time.

She loved Minbu and Kagura she met in ICU and continued to learn them. For this activity, she had health body during she was alive. Sometimes it became a stress to deal, as she was mentally weak when she was a club leader, but they taught her amounts of things including going over the stress.
As other hobbies, she loved to be with musics and pictures.

There were her husband and children in the half of her life. They loved each other and cared about so much. She told that she didn't want to be in hospital to suffer her family, thus it seemed she could died as she hoped.

Her funeral will be held in private. If someone hope to attend, please tell to this number: 042-xxx-xx35. She will be buried near a cherry tree, as Saigyo.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fixed Topic: What is the religion?

Religion, the sound seemed to be far from me until I entered in ICU high school. I did not decide to come to the school neither for English nor Christianity, so when I knew I passed the exam, I realized a strange feeling. I would never be influenced by the religion Christianity: it was what I promissed to myself to be a student of the school.
I don't why but religion had something dangerous impression to me. If I make an assumption of it, I remember I once was told that one religional group did terrible murder with poison in subway.

Now I think religion is belief everyone has in each of them. Not only Christianity or Buddism but also Capitalism or pessimism is a kind of religion. They have different names on them, but what's the same is that people require it to believe and to lean their heart on it. Human being desire for mental rest, and it creates those religions I suppose. Even if a part of religion has political power, its start is such a little belief.

I cannot accept the people who force to believe one religion politically because I BELIEVE it is free to choose their belief. Religion have appeared and will appear in past and future where people are, and it should be free to believe at least.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Open Topic 6: Minbu teacher's knowledge of our body

I belong to the Japanese Traditional Dance Club(so called Minbu), and I met a fantastic teacher for it. The teacher, Yoko sensei, had worked as a PE teacher of ICU for 30-40 years I suppose, and even now she comes to teach as the dance!

Her researching theme is about the health of human body. She have told me and the other her students of what she learned in her life:

1. Concentrating on the center of gravity(?)(Jyushin) is good for health
Center of gravity(?) of our body is on our gat, what is important to human health. She told me that the point is also the center of movement. Moving from the point makes easier to live. Activities against it, for example swimming which our gravity come up from the gat, are sometimes not good for health.

2. Teate(placing our hands on our body) is effective when you get hurted
The action is meaningful literally, because human has energy to cure own body inherently. If you get hurted, put your hands on the place, and continue doing it until it stops acing. Then put your hands off...the blood from the hurt will be stopped!!

3. Taue(rice planting) has been the best training for our body
Japanese people have lived with rice for a long time, and it has made their body strong as farmers. It requires to work on bowing position and standing on rice field firmly. Even though They were not so tall, particularly their lower side of body got strong. As I wrote above, the center of gravity was the important part of farmers' action.

It was difficult to explain these kind of topic in English, but I will try to tell you more when I can remember the information from Minbu teacher.

Fixed Topic: What is the Love for me?

To discuss this theme, it is required to define what kinds of love there are.
I think, in whole meaning, love is all of the feelings which we have when we care about something. There must be various target of love: to family, to friends, to lover, to pets, to plants you raise up, to books you like, to philosophy, and even to yourself. It is applied to everything in the world which has its heart.

I think love from everything around me has raised me up. When I was a little child, I tended to require what I want to people around me. I suppose I had thought them as a mean which grants my needs...no, even wants. Thus I did not like people who scold me by no exception. I was a child who could not understand that their words were one shape of love to care about me. In this age, I finally understand advises effects me desirably in my head. (Actually I am still afraid of making a mistake as I am not good at accepting my fault.... That is why I am childish.)

And now, I am trying to care about someone with love-like feeling. At first I have a duty to give my parents back for their regard to me. The others come next: my friends, classmates, lover, book, etc.... Those are so important me, and I feel like living for those things!! Thanks:)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Open Topic 5: Translation of Japanese song to English

Title: Crying baby Pippo(Nakimushi Pippo)
Music & Lyrics: Sasakure Producer
Singer: Miku Hatsune

I have cried loudly
When I was born to this world
I have cried facing back to the sunset
When I was hurt by words by unhumane friends

I have cried with the clouds
When my hopeless love was finished
I have cried till a morning came
When I realized weakness of people to protect the others

Who doesn't give up even in the rain, nor breezing
That is whom I have wanted to be

What did my crying red eyes saw?
It was one soft drop of tear from you

I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
It's the best I can deal all of your sorrow

Is it a penalty from the God that tears are in this world?
If so, that's an irony, as it's the world who made my crying baby

-I suppose.

I have cried roughly
When I was unjustly accused heavily
I have cried looking up above
When I was betrayed by whom I had trusted

I have cried for a fear
When i was lost in the maze of justice
I have cried with no reason
When I knew what the farewell for ever means

I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
If I could catch all of your sorrow

When there are sorrows as the number of ☆(star)s,
We can deal it by crying as the same times of it
That's why I am crying to make you smile

We shall meet at the horizon, beyond the date lone of sorrow
It will be the time tears are dried

I know actually we are weak although we pretend to be a tough usually
We can cover and shed weakness of our mind by tears which cannot be hidden

I will cry instead of you,
so you don't have to cry- just trust me
If I could catch all of sorrow in the world

Will you share half of your tear with me?
That's why I am crying to share our tears and cry together

I will cry instead of you,
so do not cry, and trust me
You can shed a tear with me when you can't help crying

I suppose tears are to be the link sharing our feelings
That's why I am crying to enable to be with you

-I suppose,
I suppose there is such a meaning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open topic 4: Active and Quiet mood to live

As allmost all of people need rests on the weekend, I need relaxing time to be alone.
I am in one of these moods- active or quiet. In the former mood, I am in high spirits and love the stimulates from anything. Spring terms are when I can feel it the most.
On the contrary, I cannot do anything in the quiet mood. It requires enormous energy to care about anything aroung me, even to reply an email or do the tasks. I have been suffered by it often in Autumn terms. This is one of the excuse I 'm absent from classes often. Sorry Marc.

I'm sure I am not good at self management, or controlling myself. However, it is needed to keep in high at least having the any kind of meeting with people. I hope I can be in active mood anytime because I believe it is the best condition of me, but once I got advice that I am unstable and make people around me worry in both of those mood. Thus now I'm wondering how I can behave for me and for the others.

Why don't I have the neutral mood? I suppose it is because I work and try to make it perfect by it reaches the limit, and then stop till the energy's recovered. Particularlyin this year, I am tend to fall into this loop.
I have been told that I always try to deal the problems on my own, including the works I don't have to do. I felt it is easy to solve them by myself than leave them to the others and wait for its finish. I have experienced the disappearence of a chief in my society who had amount of work, with no reason to give it up from the person, so I and one of the other member dealt it. Later I heard the excuse at ameeting with the person, but it was so hard for me as I give one month in summer vacation up for it.

I am unfortunately uncapable for being good leader, no, even a member now, although I am holding a lot of tasks I have never had. I will challenge to be better person to do my tasks and help the others, plus reduce the times I stop and make people around me worry as possible.

Fixed topic: What is happiness to me?

This question seems to connect when my favorite moments are. Briefly I have two patterns of times which makes me happy.

First one is the time when I can enjoy the moment from bottom of my heart. I think active status of my heart is better for me(however I have been told it makes me unstable), and only the time I'm looking forward to what coming the next makes my heart active.
In such a condition, I feel great happiness. With the poetic expression, I feel like dancing, and everything coming into my eyes are fresh and bright. Smile comes out on my face, and the world is seemed to be wonderful!
When I can move, I feel I am in health condition. This is because I'm filled with this happiness!

The other one is almost opposite with the first one. This one is calm and warm like sleeping. Yeah, sleeping is absolutely one of my favorite time, and in addition I have another time when I leave(keep?) myself happy like a sleeping time.
Staying beside my favorite people makes me so, for example a part of my friend(the others make me active!), boyfriend, teachers I truely expected.
When I am alone, I also can be happy coming across to some warm stories. The "story
" is not only in the books. Everything I meet in daily life is story! If I see the generous bus driver cares the customer, I feel I am lucky to be here. When I see beautiful clouds before sunset, I also remember the moment and have a quiet time with it. People to stay with bring me happiness, and also anything around me which is positive to me takes me into happy feeling!

However, what is the happiest is that I have my heart to feel it enough!^^ Of course it is made by your cares, guys. Thank you so much!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Open topic 4: motief of "cherry blossom"

How do you feel with cherry blossom? What image do you have when you look at it, and look at its petals fall?

I like its color, for example Someiyoshinoソメイヨシノ has soft pink in daytime. I once heard human is able to see the world only in monochrome in the night, and it makes cherry trees much more beautiful. People have enjoyed to watch it as yozakura夜桜, and some customs to enjoy it as an entertainment have been developed. As I know, Japanese people love to see cherry blossoms as I can understand why they do so.
Particularly yozakura fits my favor as I feel the time around the tree stops in both of the moonlight and artificial light. It takes my eyes whenever I find it.
Cherry blossom fascinates us with its beautiful and fragile shape.

However, I learned in one class of Anthropology that Japanese government used cherry blossom as motief of "patriotic Japanese" during wartime. They appealed to people's sense to connect their favorite cherry blossom and the war. Young men who got on Kamikaze plains were told "be brave as scattering cherry's petal when you die!" It must be the final excuse for pilots to give their lives. (Kamikaze plains were one-way plain which attacked the enemies only with one-way fuel. Pilots were sure they could never come back after the ride.) I remember people who saw pilots off prayed with cherry brunchs.
In a newspaper showed in the class, one of the man who was to go as Kamikaze but could avoided it by an accident wrote about cherry blossom. He had lost many friends for the war and Kamikaze, and he remembered the statement from government firmly. Even though many years had passed since the war ended, he could not see cherry blossom without tears as he remembered only sad memories with it.

Those which are attractive are frequently took advantage to controll other people. I do not like wars, so I was disappointed to know cherry blossom was used in such a negative way. I hope no more people come who feel sad when they look at the beautiful tree.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fixed Topic: my strength and weakness

My strength I suppose are...

・I can think something deeply and constantly.
For example I've thought about myself and behavior so long, and it makes progress little by little. It sometimes means I have stone head to make my policy or position according to my friend. However, it is needed for me to convince me how I should live, and the process I've passed helps me to consider it.

・I can accept others' opinion.
It can be with the first one. When someone tell different opinion with me, I half-automatically think this idea CAN BE. For me, it is easy to accept but difficult to change my stance.

・I can go into the society I've been interested in.
Communities I'm belonged to now are all fascinate to me. Of course at first there were no neighbor for me, but I could find there for myself and continue to relate.

My weakness are...
・Rarely I can have confident to my opinion and even my statement.
It is big problem when I talk with others in both debate and daily conversation. When I talk in academical concent just like I did in ELP, I get agressive and critical enough to convince the others, but in the other time I'm not. So, I need too much time to decide my position, and it frequently has undesirable effect on works.

・ Very lazy in daily life.
As some of you already know, I often overslept and be late for classes. Almost all the cases it is because of assignment, but It's my fault I cannot deal it in my time. I guess I don't controll my own pace. In addition, I love to stay ICU for studying or talking as I can concentrate on something much better than I do the same at home. It results late of my life- leave ICU on 22:00, come back home on 23:30, have dinner for one hour or more.... One of the cause I suppose is that I'm a VERY SLOW EATER.

・Have weak memtal like Tofu豆腐.
I am a kind of chicken as I cannot stay as usual when I have gronp presentation in class, particularly in the class with people I have not talked with as friends. I'm also very shy to talk with people. However, I have words much more on communication through writing than face-to-face communication.

Seen above, I can focus on my weaknesses better with the reasons, but it is the problem I care about them too much.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Open Topic 3: Importance of person who scold you

It is difficult to believe to me, but I have now spent 20 years since I came to this world. So many existence came across to me, particularly I will write about people here, including family or classmates. As I get old, although I have made them angry not a few times, people who "scold" me got fewer and fewer. It is natural that people are expected to have responsibility on their own and controll themselves,
however, I'm still childish in behavior.

For me, someone who gives me advice is precious and important because these people basically make appriciate responce to any kind of questions. Not only I but also anyone talk with them with various topics. That's true person who is good at talking is at the same time good at listening! They help me to consider my problem as they accept to take it seriously, and as I know it I can talk in honest. My boyfriend is the kind of person I have the most conversation in these days.

He is generous to everyone, and he aims to be better person in managing, solving problems, and many other things. I feel I really talk with him, hardly I'm able to feel in recent, sharing many words about anything around us. We've tried to tell anything, everything to talk to the other, and it has helped me so much in mentally. (Actually I've always helped and I don't know whether I can be a help of him or not....)
He requires me not to be so modest as I keep my honest words inside of me. More than before, the words I receive get straight as I guess it is the voice from his heart, but it scarcely hurt me. It takes the form of advice, complaint, question, requirement or other which stimulate me, however what I've the most impressed is scolding. It must be experienced for me since I was a little kid, but to be surprised, it was new and heavy to me. Of course I should not be scold, however, now I realized person who has scolded me has always cared me so much. Once I felt those words just as typical noise, but they are opposite with it!

I'm lucky I have such people who care and help me not to be ashamed when I get into society. In near future I hope I can care or cover them with great thank.

Fixed topic: What is the most precious thing to me?

M: Hey, I got a question saying "What's the most precious thing to you?". How do you answer it?

E: What a simple question to me...as you know, it is definitely LOVE.

M: Love, yeah you talk about it all days long. What in love makes you to think so?

E: You haven't experienced it? When I fall in love, I start to follow it all the
time, no concern I want to or not.
First my heart continue beating so fast as I know I will die when I'm close to it, but gradually it changes from these active feeling to calm but deep feeling.
It changes me so much!!

M: Wait, you've the word IT to explain what you love, but why don't you use SHE?

E: Well, I can fall in love with anything. Needless to say I love my lover as cute kitten, but at the same time I love my family members and cats, or I even love books and biology!
Those "love" is in detail a little bit different each other, but it is all LOVE for me.

M: Hmm, your view to love is acceptable to me, even though I've not been nuts about another person. But it is unstable to love on others because you don't know when it will disappear in front of you, and even you can change your mind!

E: You're fixed the word LOVE for using to love between persons...that's not all of LOVE!!

M: I would rather set more stable thing as my precious thing! What I always have and I can controll...is, I find it! It is HEALTH!!

E: Health! Why did you come to the result?

M: Because it's base of my activity! You know, if you find what you really love, you cannot follow it when you're not health. Why I am here and live is all because I am health as I can talk and move.
If no one is free to care me, I can care about myself to be health. I do any activities to get health body, for instance move, walk, and other!

E: You know love already because you seem to love yourself and your body so much! You have to thank to your parents who gave you this health body and who've cared you.
Remember, you are made from love of who surrounding you!

M: Yeah I will...ok, I do love my health! Is this my lost in discussion?

E: When did we start to debate, there are no winner or loser!

M: But I'm feeling...

E: Hey, I found we can explain our precious things in your word HEALTH.

M: What? I accepted my precious thing HEALTH is included in your precious thing LOVE.
I'm convinced now to your opinion.

E: Think LOVE is good condition of one's heart. I suppose I cannot have sense to feel anything if my mental condition is not HEALTH.

M: That's right in bad condition mentally love makes no sense to you. Alright, this is our conclusion...we need physical and mental health to move and to feel love, and it is precious thing to us!!

*Both of them are actually parts of me, but none of them completely fit my position. I separated my opinion into two by force, but it is interesting to switch the roles.

Open topic 2: What makes "chorus" worth to me

As I mentioned in my self-introduction, I love to sing as on of my hobby. It makes me happy in both ways, singing alone for self-sufficient or practice and singing with others in choir. I will write here particularly latter one, singing with someone other.

Chorus, it has been close to me in my whole life. That is mainly because my mother has been a choir as Soprano since she was in high school student. She love chorus as she joined new chorus team influenced by I joined ICU Glee Club. When I come back to my home, what I hear right after I open the door is her singing voice or song she is practicing. In this way my home is filled with chorus songs. However my younger sister does Shorinji Kenpo少林寺拳法 in her high school, she loves to sing at chorus festival held in her school.^^ I don't know whether my father has been a choir, but he obviously likes to sing.

I was a member of ICUHS's chorus club, and now I am a member of ICU Glee Club.
How does the activity CHORUS catch my family's heart? What makes chorus so fascinate to us?

First, chorus is never organized by one person. At least 2 persons are needed to do this activity. In addition, if it is possible, enough numbers are required in each songs because chorus songs have separated parts. For example, there are songs which have 4 parts or even 16 parts!
When there are too many parts, choir have to sing one own part for themselves which is like ensemble. It helps to practice to have confidence to sing independently and to know how own voice sounds in the chorus.
In the other many cases, people sing one part with other members. Here the effort and technique to fit own voice to others' voice. There are amount time of practice before they are able to mix their voice into one voice(sounds like one person sings).
Plus, there are not only choirs but also conductor and some times pianist. Member of Glee Club "Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Conductor, Pianist. SATBCP creates songs!."

As I wrote above, choirs spend amount of time staying together to practice. There are human-to-human communication through advicing each other and getting to know each person's character or behavior in both personality and voice. Good relationship among those people creates good harmony, so people naturally get along well in the chorus team.

Second, every songs are organized by amazing lyrics and melodies. Almost all of the cases, these two are done by different persons. For members, what different with when they sing alone is that everyone has each opinion and image they get from the song. They read lyrics and share their images and feelings to discuss. It is fruitful to lead choirs one direction and gather their feeling up. If there are concerts, for example case of ICU Glee, members write motivation sheet to spell what impression they want to give audience or what they want to tell and share through the concert out.
Through steps, little by little members colour their song by themselves directing to their aims. It includes analyze of lyrics, or other efforts members have made.

Chorus have been given me so many precious oppoturnities to meet. Especially, everyone in the Glee Club is kind and talkative, and what is important, care and support each other.
It sometimes, quite few times suffers me when the club is going to do concert and I cannot join the practices for a long time because of my schedule. I experienced it seriously at last concert. Even though, I want to continue to join the club because I love singing and people.
I can state clearly that I love everyone I met through chorus activity!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

10*10 slide of Kaori & explanation

...I guess you cannot get enough information only from these slides without letters, then I will add some comments on each slides.

1. I am Kaori, and also Mehimi. Where this nickname came from is that I explained in the class! Please call me whichever you want, or you can create another one.

2. I have lived in Japan for all of my life 20 years. Although I participated in Freshman SEA Program, I basically spent my days in Japan.

3. Fine arts club in junior high school! Almost all of my paintings were illusts with pens, so I am not good painter with oil or colours(pigments?).

4. This slide Momo was what our acting club performed before we graduated ICU high school. I was there only one term as a staff, but I could feel acting is amazing through seeing actor's practice and touching their passions for acting. Still now I like to go to watch actings!

5. Bjork! Bjork! Bjork!! I love her because of its exploding emotion from inside of her. It seemed she showed me to break myself out and express self, and it was a kind of shock for me. She changed me in some ways when I was in ICUHS, and still now I adore her and her songs. I sincerely recommend you to WATCH her PVs! Any one is good, but to watch first I will recommend you "Human Behavior".

6. Sounds' Palette is nice chorus club I think, because I once was belonged to there and sang. Those booklets' cover designs have been done by club members(I have never done^^). Singers are at the same time artists!

7. Section AG is the first community I met in ICU. I was so lucky to be surrounded by those nice and kind people and talked often. I love to talk with people who love to consider something, who are freqently found in ICU.

8. Traditional Japanese Folk Dance club(Minbu) has been suffered from shortage of member! However I love the dance to have fun and be health, and I would like to share it with someone. If you feel coming to our practice, you can ask me ANYTIME!!

9. ICU Glee Club is where I belonged to secondly. People sing japanese song, English(Spirituals), Latin...through long hours practice, they talk and get along very well. It is happy to see everyone in the club is kind to and respect each other. My dear is also in this club. We have 2 concerts in one year, on spring and autumn.

If you have any question, please ask me as a comment. You don't have to worry about me!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fixed topic: Who am I?

I have been wondered my existence concerned with this theme "who am I". The answer to this has not yet found, and I suppose it won't be found in the future, but I will try to figure myself out at least I know about now.

Considering it in position I have been...
I was born in Mie prefecture, and soon my family was moved to Yokohama. When I was 5, we had already lived in Hachioji, where now I live. I was grown up as an elder sister in the family.
I have passed through a lot, but now my identity in position is this: ICU sophomore student, 20 years old, executive of Minbu, a member of ICU glee club, aiming to Environmental studies and art archeology as majors.

Considering it in my interests...
As hobbies, my interest spread to sing, draw, dance. These are definitely in my personality to make me up as ME.
It makes me to join to ICU high school's chorus club and ICU's Glee Club, junior high school's Fine art club, and ICU's Minbu. Those gave me oppoturnities to come across many fasciate people and to consider what is organization or management of club, or how I can commit it etc.. It sometimes suffers me, however, I'm sure it is necessary to learn. Of course these activities are fun to do!
Out of hobbies, I'm interested in Buddhism, artist Bjork and her land Iceland(even I wanted to go in exchange program once), technology not to exhaust energy on the earth, physics even though I'm not good at it at all, and many thing I have catch in my sight.

Considering it in biology...
I am Homo Sapiens as a spice, female. That is very simple to explain in this category!

Considering it in my personality...
I am so called hard and one-way thinker, or shy to express myself. Basically I love to consider anything by myself, and that is not my favor to discuss with unstable opinion. Sometimes it prevent to communicate with the others, especially three or more people. However, it seems opposite of it, I like to talk with others. If you feel talking or even speaking to me, you can come your convinient time. There is no lie in the words, "nice to meet you all everyone!."

Considering it in my current situation....
I am now busy in my mind as I have never experienced, so going out to care about something new is difficult for me. I'm trying to deal my problem now, and I even now have space to accept what comes to me!

Who am I? As I wrote on the top, this question has no specific answer to me. However drawing some keypoints out helps both you and me to get information of me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open Topic: about the design of my blog

When I created my blog, I could choose some templates as a background. Some of them attracted me, however at last I decided to use current design. That was because one episord occured to me, which I heard during analyzing lyrics of songs.

In Japan there is one poemer whose name is Mado・Michio,in Japanese まど・みちお. He created amounts of poets, and particularly poems included in songs for mixed voices Utayo!(うたよ!) have personal views. It represents his name, with more detail, he gave himself this name to have the meaning of WINDOW. He has tried to see the things through his own window, and let the other people enable to see the similar world through his window. Thus correct translation of his name is the window of Michio, I suppose.
Anyway I felt his stance is nice to imitate to share my blogs with the others. It looks like you are looking outside of the car from inside, and you can see limited view from there. In by blog, you will see what I was touched or how I interpret any things and more.

Thank you for your coming to this blog!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello World!! a&b

This is Kaori, who was absent from the first class of You.
Here I will write about 2 fixed topic.

a)why I take this course

Why I decided to take this class is because I like to consider self rather than to consider other social problem or doing communication. It helps me to analyze what I am thinking about and what makes me have some actions. I guessed in writing I would express what I try to state in English.
In addition, I am expecting to touch selves of other classmates. It is hard to get to know the others deeply in university because almost all of people probably, and they often put on some masks when the first time to see them. This course will go further under those masks, and this is one of the reasons to make me take this course.

b) do you like writing or not

Definitely I like writing. Although I am not good at English, I like writing kinds of texts. I even like to write essay if it does not have due-date.
I am a kind of shy and not good at speaking, especially in English, so writing is an appreciate way to communicate with others on each opinion. Writings allow me to take care of its expression or structure (however it does not help me to desirable structure), and during my writing process, I can read it to input what i wrote by my eyes, where to get information well. When I learn something new I spend long time (slow thinker?), and it causes the preference to writing in some way.